Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal
Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal

The Lavender Luna

Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal

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Natural Mini Pyramid Crystal

Product Parameters

Size: 14 mm

Weight: 2-3 g

Crystal Benefits

-Rose Quartz: Purifies & opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing & feelings of peace. Calming & reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. It also dispels negativity & protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.

-Aventurine: Comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, & can help attract love later in life. Also attracts luck, abundance and success.

-Tiger's Eye: Brings insight into complex situations, protects from negative energies, helps focus the mind, attracts good luck, deepens one's meditative state, grounds & centers personal energy, dispels  fears, & promotes mental clarity.

-Red Jasper: It stimulates the base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, & controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling & movement. It is the foundation of physical & spiritual energy for the body.

-Opal: Enhances cosmic consciousness & induces psychic & mystical visions. It stimulates originality & creativity. Helps to release anger & claim self worth, aiding in accessing & expressing one's true self. Also strengthens memory.

-Gold Sandstone: Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, & drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. Brown goldstone, with its copper content, is believed to carry many of the metaphysical properties of that metal.

-Unakite: Said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye & useful for scrying. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions & spirituality together. Among crystal healing practitioners, it is used to support convalescence from illness.

-Turquoise: Balances & aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings & instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression & exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise promotes self-realization & assists creative problem solving.

-Topaz: Soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates & aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most.  It promotes truth & forgiveness. It brings joy, generosity, abundance & good health. It is known as a stone of love & good fortune. It releases tension, inducing relaxation. Topaz promotes openness & honesty, self-realization & self-control. It aids problem-solving & assists in expressing ideas. Stabilizes the emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources. Also aids digestion & combats eating disorders, such as anorexia & bulimia. It fortifies the nerves & stimulates the metabolism.

-Black Obsidian: This stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, & is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophesy & may boost precognition.

-Blue-vein Stone: Calming, soothing energies to relieve stress & calm the mind. They can be used to reopen the energetic flow in areas that are blocked, encouraging you to relax, open up communication & find inner peace.

-Rhodochrosite: This is a stone that integrates physical & spiritual energies, stimulating love & passion while energizing the soul. Rhodochrosite opens the heart, lifting depression & encouraging a positive & cheerful outlook. It improves self worth & soothes emotional stress.

-Grey Agate: Very calm, gentle & steady presence, which encourages us to be more conscious of our thoughts & feelings and their effect on our long-term well being. This crystal also stabilizes the aura & balances our yin & yang energies.

-Malachite: Absorbs negative energies & pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere & from the body. Guards against radiation & clears electromagnetic pollution. Malachite clears & activates the chakras & attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love.

-Picture Jasper: This is a grounding & harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. Its grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you've been & where you are going. Some view this stone as a direct message from the Earth itself, instilling a sense of proportion, bringing comfort, alleviating fear & cultivating harmony.

-Indian Agate: This is a great crystal for meditation & is a powerful healing stone. It is known to give physical strength, emotional security & protection. Just like all agates, it is the king of stones & balances the Yin Yang.

-3 Pack: Please write which 3 crystals you would like to purchase in the notes! :)


Due to the light & screen difference, the color may be slightly different from the pictures & also because they are natural stones. Please understand that the size of each will be a little different because of this as well. If you are not happy with your product, contact us first so we can make things right for you :) 

If you would like more than one, we can make a bundle for you & make the price cheaper! Email us at for more details! :) 

(1 Quantity = 1 Piece)